The 21st Century Phenomenon




Omar Khan Sharif was a British citizen that attempted suicide bomb attack, on behalf of Hamas, in Mike’s Place a Club Bar on the promenade of Tel Aviv, Israel, on Wednesday 04/30/2003 evening.

After security officials from UK and Israel intercepted and tracked down Omar Khan Sharif s’ e-mail, SMS, mobile phone and letters communication in the period prior to the attack, they came to the conclusion that some members of his family were  aware of his intentions, supported him and encouraged him to carry on with his mission.

Few days after the attack British police arrested Omar Khan Sharif s’ wife Tahira Tabassum born in 1977, his brother  Zahid Hussain Khan Sharif, born in 1968 and his sister Parveen Aqtor Sharif, born in 1969, all from Derby. for charges of aiding, abetting, counseling and procuring acts of terrorism. Their trial began in London on 04/14/2004. The three were released on bail in 08/2004. Parveen Sharif, a teacher, was also charged for inciting Omar Khan Sharif to commit an act of terrorism.

All the evidence brought in the trial, although show a great support to Omar Khan Sharif s’ actions, could not prove that, indeed, the suspects had a prior knowledge about his intention to be a suicide bomber and could be interpreted in other ways. Tahira Tabassum was, therefore, acquitted from all charges early in 07/2004. The jurors failed to agree on verdicts against his brother and sister, Zahid Sharif and Parveen Sharif. Their retrial reopened on 10/2004.

Omar Khan Sharif s’ brother and sister Zahid Sharif and Parveen Sharif were acquitted on 11/27/2005.


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