The 21st Century Phenomenon



Zaenal  Abidin, known as Sarjio or Sawad, was born in 1972 in Indonesia to a Christian family and converted to Islam. He lived in Surakarta, Central Java. Zaenal  Abidin became an INDONESIAN JI member and operated under Ali Amrozi. Zaenal  Abidin – Sarjio assembled one of the bombs used in the Bali ‘02 Bombings.

Zaenal  Abidin – Sarjio was among 18 INDONESIAN JI members arrested on 04/24/2003 in a police swoop in central Java in the manhunt after the Bali ‘02 Bombings perpetrators. 

According to the Indonesian prosecution, Ali Amrozi had asked Sarjio to work with Dulmatin to assemble the bombs and told the defendant that Abdul Aziz, alias Imam Samudra, would act as the field commander, Ali Ghufron as the treasurer and Ali Imron as an executor. Ali Amrozi said he would provide raw materials to make the bombs and procure a car for the operation. After Zaenal  Abidin – Sarjio completed his jobs – Dr. Azahari Husin and Dulmatin added other chemicals, including TNT and RDX to the bombs.

On 01/08/2004, during his trial, Zaenal  Abidin – Sarjio confessed that he, with another co-defendant Suranto Abdul Ghoni , had mixed chemical substances to make the bombs that exploded in Bali on 10/12/2002. .

On 01/29/2004 Zaenal  Abidin was convicted in the Denpasar district court of Bali and sentenced to life imprisonment for his role in the Bali 2002 bombing and for hiding Bali bombing suspects and failing to inform the police of their whereabouts. 


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