The 21st Century Phenomenon


Barack Obama is just 100 days in power and it is an opportunity to summarize the recent developments in the “war on terror”, as it was named under the Bush administration.

In Iraq – up to recently the main USA war zone, the number of Iraqi casualties, soldiers and civilians, which was 191 a month, in 01/2009, jumped dramatically to 435, including 80 Iranian pilgrims, in 04/2009.  April was also the deadliest month for USA troops since 09/2008, with 18 soldiers killed. There is no doubt that Iraq is responding and adjusting itself to the substantial decreasing in USA troops scheduled to the next months (see – IRAQ’S Headlines ).  

Afghanistan is the new main USA war zone against Islamic terror. According to a State Department report released Thursday 04/30/2009, terror attacks have spiked dramatically in Afghanistan and Pakistan as extremists in both countries strengthen their power and expand operations. NATO is reluctant to carry on with the burden of the war. In the last NATO convention in Strasbourg, France, on 04/04/2009 they, actually, pledged nothing, to support USA efforts in Afghanistan (see – NATO 04.04.09).

Pakistan is disintegrating from within while the Taliban is on the rise up to a degree that General David Petraeus, the commander of US Central Command, has reportedly told American officials, on 05/01/2009, that the next two weeks are critical to determining whether the Pakistani government will survive (see – PAKISTAN Survival). Gen Petraeus reportedly said that he is looking to see concrete action by the government to destroy the Taliban in the next two weeks before determining the next course of action for the USA. “The Pakistanis have run out of excuses” and are “finally getting serious” about combating the threat from Taliban and Al Qaeda extremists operating out of NWFP -North-West Pakistan, the general added. Nuclear Pakistan is, no doubt, on the Risk Of Collapse with unimaginable consequences to the world.

In Somalia, a secondary arena, Ethiopian troops finished their complete withdrawal in 02/2009. An Islamic regime was sworn in, on 01/31/2009. On Saturday 04/18/2009, the Somali parliament unanimously approved to introduce Shariaa, Islamic law, in the country, which became yet another safe haven for Islamists in the world (see – Shariaa 04.18.09). 

Shariaa law expended its authority since 01/2009 and is now valid in Somalia and parts of Pakistan. It is partially implemented in Afghanistan and Gaza Strip under Hamas control. Turkey is strengthening its ties with Iran and Syria and is removing, slowly, the barriers in the Turkish constitution between religion, especially Islam, and the governing secular system of the country and public life.

The first 100 days of Barack Obama as USA president witnessed a sharp increase in violence which put under risk much of the achievements to contain Islamic terror and undermines the stability of three countries: Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Adding the North Korean and Iranian rush toward nuclear capacity the world is a more dangerous place then it was a 100 days ago.   

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