Police said, on Friday 07/24/2009, they had stepped up the hunt for alleged terrorist mastermind Noordin Mohammed Top, who is believed to be behind the Jakarta Hotels Bombing, on Friday 07/17/2009.
“There is no loophole. This is a race between us and that group,” he said after attending Friday prayers, referring to Noordin’s network which goes by various names including Brigade Firaqul Maut (Dare-to-Die Brigade).
He mentioned Syaifudin Zuhri, alias Sabit, who was caught in the Central Java district of Cilacap on 06/21/2009, and several other people believed linked to Noordin Mohamed Top.
Syaifudin Zuhri is the uncle of Noordin’s father-in-law and provided training and advice to a cell that was arrested in Palembang, Sumatra, last year (see – Palembang 07.02.08), according to a report released yesterday by the International Crisis Group (ICG) think tank. Noordin seems to have been living in the Cilacap area at least since 2006 and perhaps even earlier, finding shelter and protection from JI-linked families,” the ICG report said.
Police said they were also searching for Noordin’s father-in-law, who disappeared after bomb-making material was found buried in the yard at his Cilacap house days before the hotel attacks.
A suspected would-be suicide bomber who had been trained by Noordin’s group was arrested in Cilacap on Thursday 07/23/2009, police said.
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