The 21st Century Phenomenon



* Mohammed Kubwa Mohammed was born in 1938 in Lamu, a small Kenyan town on an island in the Indian Ocean near the Somali border, to a relatively wealthy family from the local aristocracy.

Mohammed Kubwa  Mohammed was introduced to Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, whom he knew as Abdul Karim, by Aboud Rogo Mohammed already in 1997.  Soon Fazul Abdullah Mohammed was courting  his daughter Amina and in 12/2002 Mohammed Kubwa  Mohammed subsequently allowed his daughter Amina to marry Abdul Karim ( Fazul Abdullah Mohammed ).

Mohammed Kubwa  Mohammed’s farm house in the outskirt of Mombasa, where he does not lives regularly, was used to assemble the car bomb used in the Mombasa Paradise attack on 11/28/2002.   

Mohammed Kubwa Mohammed was arrested on 02/26/2003 for short time in connection with the Mombasa Paradise attack and was released shortly afterwards.  Mohammed Kubwa  Mohammed was rearrested few weeks later in Nairobi with Aboud Rogo Mohammed and Said Saggar Ahmed for charges of harboring illegal immigrants. The investigators determined that Mohammed Kubwa  Mohammed was more involved in the Mombasa Paradise attack than it was thought initially. He was formally accused on 06/23/2003 for assisting the Mombasa Paradise attack.

Mohammed Kubwa Mohammed was released on bail. In the Mombasa Trial he was acquitted on 06/29/2005 from all charges against him.

Epilogue ; 

Mohammed Kubwa Mohammeds’ son in law, Ali Hamza Fody, cut a deal with the Kenyan authority and became an informant of the police.  In 10/2003 Ali Hamza Fody persuaded Fazul Abdullah Mohammed to come to a meeting but he, once again, evaded arrest as he came two hours late to the meting with his former colleague Ali Hamza Fody.




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